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Computer Software Deals!

(including PC Software, Mac Software, Bargain Bin Software)

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Future Shop  
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  •  40% off Top 40 Bestselling books
Future Shop  
  •  Clearance Outlet
  •  Rebate Center (lots of mail-in rebate offers)
Staples Business Depot  
  •  Clearance Centre
  •  Overstock Deals

   Gift Certificates for Surveys Keynote (aka Vividence) is a survey company. You sign up, and they might send you an invitation to evaluate a website or two (which takes 30-45 minutes) for Amazon.ca gift certificates.

In March of 2005 some people got a $12 Amazon.ca GC for evaluating a Canadian travel site.

(Vividence would do this with Amazon.com GC's a couple years ago, but it's been a while since anyone's received and invite for a US site)
   "Free" Amazon.ca Gift Certificates for HBC points If you've got spare HBC points (The Bay/Zellers/Home Outfitters) that you don't know what to do with, you can spend them on Amazon GCs or Chapters GCs.
Apple Canada  
   Refurbished Ipods & Macs Save with refurbished Ipods & Macs. These are items that either have been returned, exchanged, or repaired.

Same warranty period as brand new items, but without the "Brand New" pricetag.

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